This puzzles, astounds, confuses and even frustrates atleast 99% of the male population on planet earth. The authors, saints, psychaitrists and philosophers too gave up their hopes in trying to find the answer "what women want". How can women blame husbands and partners who are engineers,doctors or businessmen to understand what they want?
As a woman, I think I can understand, sympathize and recognize the basic thing what women want, leaving alone all their materialistic longings. I'm speaking about this one factor which they need, even if the man gives her all the other things in life. In the movie, What women want, Mel Gibson plays the chauvinistic playboy who develops the power to hear what a woman is thinking inside her mind. (I sometimes thank my stars that my husband does not hear a word of what I think in my mind when he is shouting his head off at me. Because there is a tit-for-tat reply which is going on in my mind. It requires a warrior's strength of mind to control the temptation of hitting back a volley of replies. This is what our Indian yogis aim at- absolute control of mind and thoughts, and thought processes.)
So what is it that women want? I can think about only one thing. I remember my dad's friend who was a thorough gentleman. He had many principles and lead a rather humble life in spite of all his wealth. He loved to entertain people at his house every now and then and I remember how proud he felt when anybody complimented his wife's cooking. He would then appreciate how she makes great tasting dishes which are low cal. I knew she could overhear him all the time, and always thought that she was a very deserving wife alright, but an appreciated one too. If I would've been in her position, I would've probably given a big hug and kiss to my husband for making my day. I guess just as men are simple creatures, women too can be awful simple to please. Look at it like this, when you water a plant, take care to water near its roots, not around the plant, as the water should reach where the nourishment is required. So this is to all the men, water the souls of your women, I mean,speak kind words to her, appreciate her where others can notice and best thing of all be demonstratively affectionate, when she is with her friends. Yeah man, you got her there!! Are you listening honey...
"If Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, and you can speak Venusian, the world can be yours."
nice post, look forward to read more posts from on you on the topic 'woman'.
Nice post.But you know what,everyone talks about what women want,thinking that men are simple creatures and want only one thing. But that's so not true. Men are as confusing,demanding,contradictory as women!
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