Politics of Love and heart
I am in the process of metamorphosizing from a heart over head to a head over heart person. And these are the monologues of my feeling and thinking grey matter...
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Locks of Love
Thursday, October 30, 2008
My favourite videos
The way you do the things you do, UB40
Red red wine UB 40
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
In the Borders of Our Life...

I am re-publishing this piece of writing, as a blog, years after it was awarded a prize in "Soul Space" in the Deccan Chronicle.
Last month my middle aged father died unexpectedly. He was an excellent doctor but could not get adequate attention in his time of need. When I saw his body after his death, he looked calm and peaceful, as if in a deep slumber. He looked strong, healthy, glowing, and almost divine. I presumed he was comfortable in his new-found abode which in turn explained the beatific expression on his face.
After the initial shock of gross betrayal, separation and untold emptiness which my father’s death left me with, I started wondering about his where-abouts after death. That was when I read about the soul’s tendency to migrate from bodies in a book called The Journey of Self Discovery by Swami Prabhupaada. According to it, death meant only the death of the physical ¬– a body which we nurture lovingly all our life. This body gives us an identity, a name and a face. Our reluctance to die is akin to our reluctance to changing the house in which we have treasured sweet childhood memories. So, only my father’s body has perished. His soul was still alive. When I discovered this eternal truth I found consolation for my suffering.
But, what is suffering? It is only a state of mind. The Bhagawad Gita calls the diseases of the body or mental disturbances as adhyatmika miseries. We, the humans, are destined to suffer all our life because we live in a material world. The whole idea of living is trying constantly to get out of this suffering. We are like fish swimming in the water of suffering. We break the surface of water once in a while to experience some relief. We are ignorant of the fact that our suffering ends only when our spirit mingles with God. It is only then that we attain true happiness.
Life and death are two faces of the same coin. A newborn baby enters this world reluctant to take its first breath, and a dying man leaves this word reluctant to take his last.
The difference between living life and leaving life is so narrow that it almost blurs the margins. It is in this margin that a man can experience the beauty of God. Watching a baby being born or a man breathing his last fills us with untold emotions because we are in the presence of the pure soul – the incarnation of God himself. The experience can renew us; cleanse our hearts and our thoughts. It is a religious experience that is not limited to any single faith. With every life there is a promise of death, and with every death there is a possibility of new life. It is life in death and death in life. All material attributes dwindle in their Holy Presence.
All the religions of the world give utmost importance to life after death. A little child who has taken life only a few years back, and the very old who is just few years behind death are both looked upon with great reverence. We can see divinity, innocence and purity in their behavior. The beauty of the old lies in their wrinkled skins, toothless smiles, silvered hair and the lisp in their speech. Both birth and death are followed by lengthy ceremonies. As a child’s life de-tangles from the Eternal to live as in a birth, the soul unburdens itself from the body to mingle with the Supreme Spirit in death.
In both cases, the soul is an aspect of God to mingle with Him sooner or later, as the case maybe. But if the soul is an invisible thing, what is God?
God is a luminary body made up of millions of souls and has no actual form. If each soul is a firefly then God, who is a collection of millions of these fireflies, is a powerful, limitless form of light energy which we cannot bear to see with our eyes. We can only experience Him.
Man has always been fascinated by the “Beyond Life” and “Beyond Death” question. Some people claim to have experienced a supreme spiritual feeling when they encountered a near-death experience. Some others felt the aura of that “extra” life when they came in contact with saints.
A saint is no ordinary man. He sees life as a passing phase. He has no relationships, no emotions, no ego, no ties with other humans. He owns nothing and craves for God so much that he awaits an early end to his physical self. Material things mean nothing to him. Saints like Jesus Christ and Sai Baba of Shirdi are said to have transcended death and achieved oneness with God even before their actual death. Both were supposed to have died for three days before coming back to life or being resurrected again. They experienced the power of God and received the “after-death” knowledge. This transmigration of the soul also happens to us but only after death. Souls have no bodies and hence, no death. They exist forever.
I dream of my father’s presence in our family sometimes. It is because I recognize his soul. I strongly believe his soul has mingled with God in peace, though he still lives within us. I am one version of him, my brother another. I embody his creative and mental aspects in my temperament and reflexes. My brother is his splitting image. As his progeny, we feel privileged to carry on his life in us, after his death. Somewhere, deep inside, very secretly, we have a faint feeling that his soul will guide us through life’s maze…silently.
Monday, February 18, 2008
What women want

So what is it that women want? I can think about only one thing. I remember my dad's friend who was a thorough gentleman. He had many principles and lead a rather humble life in spite of all his wealth. He loved to entertain people at his house every now and then and I remember how proud he felt when anybody complimented his wife's cooking. He would then appreciate how she makes great tasting dishes which are low cal. I knew she could overhear him all the time, and always thought that she was a very deserving wife alright, but an appreciated one too. If I would've been in her position, I would've probably given a big hug and kiss to my husband for making my day. I guess just as men are simple creatures, women too can be awful simple to please. Look at it like this, when you water a plant, take care to water near its roots, not around the plant, as the water should reach where the nourishment is required. So this is to all the men, water the souls of your women, I mean,speak kind words to her, appreciate her where others can notice and best thing of all be demonstratively affectionate, when she is with her friends. Yeah man, you got her there!! Are you listening honey...
Friday, February 15, 2008

Everyday we see thousands of faces in the crowds. We mingle with hundreds of them. Interact with tens of them. And actually connect with a handful. Most connections last a few seconds while some last a few minutes. Among my bookmarked connections, first on the list is my husband, though strangely we have network problems. I don't get a chance to speak with my husband even 10 sentences a day, sometimes. There were times when I really wanted to express immense joy and I got a curt "I will call you in 10 minutes". And I waited for half a day for his 10 minutes to get over. I felt hurt, impatient sometimes angry with myself. Now there are so many unspoken books between us, that I have my own library. I just have to go to rack number, get the year number right, and refer to volume number, chapter number, page number and paragraph number, and I can get the same highlighted lines repeat in all my books," We are living like two strangers sleeping under one ceiling fan, with no time with and for each other. We don't listen to each other anymore we only hear. We don't speak with each other any more, we merely talk. We have adapted to a new busy lifestyle where we placed each other at two far ends of a spectrum and live like robots, mechanically. Sometimes I forget when it was the last time that we really enjoyed the simple things in life which we enjoyed, like each others' company. I still long for some true good days with each other like simply lazing under the canopy of a huge tree on a hot afternoon, cooking up a meal together, talk endlessly about our childhood and youth, so much more... Once in a while, I just see a frightening picture of myself involved in a car crash and pray that such things don't happen. Because I feel that I have invested so much of my time in child rearing that I have still so many things to do with him. What will he do, God forbid, if I suddenly disappear from his life? - "Give me a few minutes of your time simply to sit together even if we don't really have great decisions to take in life....Are you listening to me, or watching the T.V. as you read this?'
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Once upon a Rain in Bangalore City

It was raining for the past few days and nights in Bangalore city making it very difficult to come out. Heavy spells of rain suddenly start pouring down from the skies and the sun disappears behind dark grey clouds, making the outdoors go a few shades gloomier. Days of incessant rains create laundry problems at home. As all the wash loads are usually air-dried or sun-dried, the clothes are damp and smelly nowadays.
Rain in Bangalore also creates choked traffic, especially if the streets are flooded with latte-coffee colored water. If I am sitting in a car such times I always wish that I should have been on a motor-bike or an auto-rickshaw. These guys really have a way of getting ahead in the traffic. They squeeze into the smallest space possible and get ahead even if it means breaking, bending or cutting the traffic rules and regulations. Alls fair in the games of love, war and traffic.
Yup, rain also reminds me to make onion pakodas and bread bajjis as I love to see everyone at home lap it up with tomato sauce. I have a different way of eating them with a pickle. Add some great music to this scene and home can be heaven.
Monday, August 13, 2007

She peeped from the balcony as he left the house in haste. She did not come to see him off as he left to office. She hasn't been doing so of late. Actually there are many things she has stopped doing for him ever since she last conceived. He had absolutely no idea about the damage he had done to her and their relationship or to what extent her depression and frustration are when compared to her earlier times. She is totally convinced that she should have married someone else.
Isn't there anything called 'basic courtesy' post-marriage? She should have thought thrice before she agreed to marry him. She should've said this over a million times to herself by now.The fact that she has had this long awaited baby does not really make the difference. The man she fell in love with is totally lost. There was no more 'wanting to have a glimpse of him' or ' desire to feel his touch' or a simple 'spend time around him' for her anymore, forget a simple thing like a hug or a kiss or plain holding hands.
Infact she felt that she had more peace of mind when he is not around. He has gotten into a habit of shouting for every little thing. She was sick of being blamed everytime something goes wrong. A simple thing like a forgotten bit of paper when not found, can trigger of a shouting match.
It is not really a 'match' with her on the other side, because she never defended herself outwardly. What she had to say is an internal monologue like the thoughts running now in print. This match which she said is a match stick, which has two ends. The one wooden, safe end which he holds and the other end with the combustible chemical which is ignited is given to her. It is a what she calls an unfair game, where the advantage is on his side.His advantage, a loud mouth!
There were times when that bit of paper which he was so desperately looking for, appears from his briefcase, car or the wallet. But before that a hundred and one things would've been said about the house not being in order, the bed-sheets not changed, spending too much money, the maid's service not being utilized properly, the baby's toys all over the place and so on. All these go 'scot free' without an apology or maybe a sheepish grin. By now, all the sacrifices she has made, her career, her lifestyle, the body-disfiguration due to pregnancy, everything feel absolutely useless and diminished.
This is the worst side of of any person's life. If you work so hard at workplace, and you are left without appreciation, it really hurts. Over and above if the guy next to you is given the raise you were expecting, then it adds salt on the wound. If you are criticized on top of it, it really damages the spirit. This is exactly what she was going through, without the option of a job change!