I was just out to pick up my daughter at her playschool yesterday and saw what i thought was highly inhuman act on the roadside. A construction worker lifted a little child sky high and threw her into the sand which was piled near by. I stood stunned and glimpses of an elephant playing football with his mahout and some people nearby just flashed across in my mind. The woman lifted the child a second time and threw it down when adrenalin started to pump into my body and I rushed to the site. There were other women who tried to intervene when I started to shout at her to stop her from repeating it yet another time. I did not know the local language but came to know later that the child was crying too much, and eating sand. I also learnt that she was the fourth girl child. Apparently, she was taking the brunt of her mother's anger and frustration.
I conversed with the woman in Hindi later and asked her whether she was willing to give her youngest two daughters,( who were born a year apart ) to childless couple. She said 'of course, by all means' and added 'I will ask my husband and tell' and with a sheepish grin added, "I will have a child like him" showing a little boy nearby.
I hated what she said and told her,"No don't have any more children. What will you do if it is a girl again?"
That evening shook me.For many reasons. I wanted to do so many things. Yet, my hands were tied. I wanted to educate the mother and father of the child to be kind to her. That birth control is not a sin ( they were muslims) That a female child also is given to them by Allah. That they should think of educating their children.I had so much to say.And I felt that the city is always in a hurry. No body has time. A little soul like that child has no one to defend her. I felt selfish. I felt the whole world selfish. I felt guilty as a person, who is not able to save the child from a mother like that.
I do not see JUST a girl child there. I see our entire nation there. The very nation which is patriarchal, chauvinistic and hypocritical. Ours is a country which worships Goddesses but looks down upon girls. Every mother wants a son and every grand mother a grandson.Are they trying to please the men or do they genuinely hate their own kind?
I somehow feel that I have unburdened my soul to my unknown audience in the cyber space. If there is anyone listening please help me find parents and homes, not houses, for these little children.Thats all I have to say, for now.
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